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Center Mission

As part of Cornell’s radical collaborations, the Center for Data Science for Enterprise and Society aims to unify programs and curricula in data science with an initial emphasis on questions grounded in data that are generated by human activity, including computational social science (e.g., sociology and government), the economics/computer science interface, aspects of digital agriculture in the production and management of agriculture, digital platforms supporting urban infrastructure (e.g., the sharing economy), and as a theme that is cross-cutting in many of these areas, the corresponding issues of privacy, security, and fairness; more generally, the Center enhances other programmatic areas associated with data science in an entrepreneurial and opportunistic fashion.

Center Highlights

The Center for Data Science at Cornell University will play a key role in recruiting scholars to the new Maxwell Fellowship program,  established through a gift by Dev Joneja, Ph.D '89.    This program aims to advance data science research in medicine by attracting top scholars to Cornell to work in interdisciplinary teams, fostering collaborations between data scientists and medical experts to address complex challenges in heath care, such as personalized medicine, disease detection, and  healthcare delivery optimization.

Cornell's CDSES Director, David Shmoys, was one of the keynote lecturers at this inaugural 5 day workshop at the Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland, College Park, where professional communities in operations research (OR) and computer science (CS) - namely, INFORMS and ACM SIGAI, funded by the National Science Foundation, Computing Research Assoc.'s Computing Community Consortium, and ACM SIGACT, convened to 1) "train the next generation to be dually conversant in both methodological traditions” and 2) “to pose challenge problems that are positioned to excite researchers across the CS-OR spectrum, to spur the kinds of advances we believe are possible".

The Cornell Center for Data Science for Enterprise and Society is excited to announce a new partnership with Amazon Web Services.  AWS is providing a generous gift of cloud computing credits ($5K - $25K grants) available to Cornell faculty.   Apply by June 28th.  

Government, industry, and academia depend on surveys more than ever before. However, shifting social behaviors, technology, and public trust mean that the accuracy and reliability of surveys are in flux. This Thought Summit brings together experts in survey research with connections to large NSF-funded surveys, data science, and AI. Our goal is to identify strategies and infrastructure to support the most accurate and cost-effective surveys.

The Econometric Society Interdisciplinary Frontiers (ESIF) conference on Economics and AI+ML will be hosted by Cornell University, in Ithaca NY, on August 13-14. The purpose of the meeting is to foster interaction of ideas and methodologies from the areas of Computer Science and Economics (broadly defined, but with emphasis on AI and ML). The conference will feature keynote lectures and parallel sessions, bringing together scholars from both fields.   VISIT THE CONFERENCE WEBSITE SUBMIT PAPERS (By February 25)    

Mathematical techniques, such as optimization models, are used for decision-making in a wide variety of application areas, from medical care to congressional districting. Fairness is often an important part of decision-making, but it can be difficult to assess, quantify, and incorporate into mathematical models. Join the National Academies on Tuesday, June 4 from 1-4pm ET for a webinar focusing on fairness in mathematics. Webinar speakers will discuss metrics for fairness, algorithmic fairness, responsible AI, equitable data acquisition, and more. Speakers will include Hoda Heidari (Carnegie Mellon University), Michael Jones (American Mathematical Society), Ece Kamar (Microsoft), and David Shmoys (Cornell University). A recording of the webinar will be posted to this page following the conclusion of the event. 1:00pm – Introduction 1:05 – Speaker presentations (25 minutes each) 2:45 – Break 3:00 – Panel discussion 4:00 – Adjourn

Intimate partner violence is notoriously underreported and correctly diagnosed at hospitals only around a quarter of the time, but a new method provides a more realistic picture of which groups of women are most affected, even when their cases go unrecorded.

June 24, 2024

Portobello, a new driving simulator developed by researchers at Cornell Tech, blends virtual and mixed realities, enabling both drivers and passengers to see virtual objects overlaid in the real world.

June 20, 2024

Speak a little too haltingly and with long pauses, and OpenAI’s speech-to-text transcriber might put harmful, violent words in your mouth, Cornell researchers have discovered.

June 11, 2024